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Is There Such a Thing as Fertility Massage?

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Does Fertility Massage Help?

Yes, it does, but please don’t take this as massage alone can fix your infertility or cause you to become fertile.

Here’s How Massage Can Improve Fertility

The pelvic floor contains your uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, rectum and the ligaments and connective tissue surrounding them. The intent of fertility massage is to release restrictions of your pelvic floor.  These restrictions may present themselves as lower back or hip pain, digestive issues, idiopathic infertility or painful menstruation. As a massage therapist, I would identify which restriction could be involved by gentle manipulation and release of the adhesions so that your organs can have full, healthy function.

What are the benefits of fertility massage?

  • Eases anxiety and stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest, digest & relax)
  • Increases blood flow to the digestive tract and reproductive system
  • Restores vitality and balance to affected organs

 Who would benefit from a fertility massage?

Stress and Fertility

Fertility is like a waltz, you and your partner need to be in sync or you start stepping on each other’s toes.  Your body as a whole needs to be functioning as one.  The delicate balance of hormones to create the production, release, fertilization and implantation of an egg can’t happen if the balance is off. The number one cause of this is stress in the body. This can be as simple as daily hassles or a single big stressor because the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) can interrupt the rhyme of the waltz which is so crucial to creating a life.

Research suggests that stress can change the length of your cycle, your ovulation date and create tubal spasms. Stress can amplify many feelings like fear, worry, emptiness and anger.  These feelings create physical and mental reactions which are manifested in your body.

This type of massage therapy uses techniques to help to break the stress cycle by encouraging relaxation. These techniques address adhesions and mechanical factors that contribute to female infertility.

Book an appointment for fertility massage by calling 416-481-0222 or book online any time here.

by CJ Paterson, RMT, at Forces of Nature Wellness Clinic