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What is Deep Tissue Massage?

massage for Parkinson's disease by a registered massage therapist or RMT

What is Deep Tissue Massage (DTM) and What is it Useful for?

Deep tissue massage involves:

  1. slow, deep strokes that stretch and re-align the fibres of the muscles and
  2. deep compressions to reduce knots in the muscles.
  3. stretches are also used to lengthen muscle fibres and increase the range of movement in the joints.

Some discomfort is normal. An experienced Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) will use slow, sensitive strokes adapted to your pain threshold. You should never feel bruised or in pain the next day.

Who Provides Deep Tissue Massage?

The best practitioner to see for deep tissue massage is a registered massage therapist. They are the most highly trained professionals in bodywork for the soft tissues like muscles and tendons.

Which Conditions Benefit from Deep Tissue Massage?

  1. All musculoskeletal and related conditions including upper back, neck
    and shoulder tension, pain and stiffness
  2. Lower back pain and weakness, sciatica and all hip and pelvic pain and
  3. Muscle tension-related headaches
  4. Recovery from illness, surgery and trauma from accidents
  5. Poor posture

Additional Benefits of DTM

Though deep tissue massage treats the muscles and other soft tissues of the body, it can have a very beneficial effect on the whole. Because muscles are involved in so many metabolic functions, it is common to experience improvements in your health you may not associate with your muscles, such as relief from asthma or sluggish digestion.

How long is a Deep Tissue Massage Treatment?

Treatment time can vary from 30-90 minutes depending on the extent of treatment needed and your personal preference.

How will I feel after a DTM Treatment?

Relaxed and muscles should feel looser and freer. You may feel like you need a nap.  You should drink lots of water following a treatment to help flush out waste that has been mobilized by the treatment.

By Dr Pamela Frank, BSc(Hons), ND

For questions about deep tissue massage, contact Mark Lee, RMT at Forces of Nature by calling 416-481-0222 or email reception at to book an appointment.