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Tips for Your Best Year Ever!

health tips 2016

5 Tips for a Healthy & Happy 2016

By Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc(Hons), ND

  1. Find a new passion. Take yourself out of your comfort zone to try something you’ve always wanted to or something you’ve admired from afar.  Take up knitting, golfing, belly dancing, cricket, extreme frisbie, wake boarding, skateboarding, badminton, karate, learn circus feats or Mandarin the list goes on and on. Variety is the spice of life and keeps it interesting and fun.
  2. Challenge yourself.  Along the lines of #1, you never know whether you might be the world’s best juggler or rock climber if you never try. Setting new goals and accomplishing them provides you with a sense of self-satisfaction and confidence.
  3. Never overindulge two days in a row.  Everybody has a binge now and then, but the key is to regroup right after and get back on track with healthy eating habits. The gross feeling the next day helps reinforce the benefits of taking good care of yourself the rest of the time.
  4. Exercise your mind and body every day.  Physical activity reduces stress, and improves every aspect of your health.  Even 5 minutes per day of exercise is better than none, although a good goal is 6 hours per week of exercise.
  5. Plan adventures. Life can get mundane without something exciting to look forward to.  Planning a trip and finding interesting out of the way things to do while you are there adds to the anticipation and the end experience.  Happy memories are one of life’s greatest riches.