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Fever in Children

sick child with fever

Fever Guidelines in Children

As a parent, I always find the times that my son has a fever unnerving, even though logically I know that the fever is his immune system’s way of launching a full scale attack against a virus, bacteria or other infectious agent. The fact that he has something serious enough to warrant a fever is what unsettles me, but thankfully when he does have one, whatever the illness is resolves quickly and efficiently. Evidence of the effectiveness of a fever against a pathogen.

What to Do About a Fever

If you are unsure what to do about a fever, here are some guidelines:

Always seek an MD’s advice if:
1. Your child is under 6 months old
2. Your child is between 6 months and 3 years old and has a temperature of 102 or higher
3. Your child is over 3 years old and has a fever of 104 or higher that does not respond to fever control measures within 4 hours
4. You have a child of any age who is lethargic, listless, unusually sleepy, in pain, extremely irritable or complains of a stiff neck or is having difficultly breathing or if he/she just doesn’t seem right or has unusual or severe symptoms

How to Help a Sick Child

  1. Keep your child comfortable with a tepid bath, or a cool cloth
  2. Keep them hydrated but don’t force food
  3. Offer plenty of reassurance, nurturing, cuddles and comfort.

If your child doesn’t need to see an MD based on the above criteria, but you want to do everything you can to help him/her recover more quickly, our naturopaths do treat children.  If your child gets ill frequently, or severely and you want to improve his/her immune system, our naturopathic doctors can help sort out why he/she gets sick so often and help reduce the frequency and severity of illness.  Herbal medicine, nutritional advice, vitamins and minerals can help support healthy immune system function in children.

By Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc(Hons), ND